Aufwind Naturkindergarten

Aufwind Naturkindergarten
Hirschbachstraße 72/1
73431 Aalen
Funding authority
Aufwind e. V.
Kettelerstraße 10
73431 Aalen
07361 37055-0 (Frau Rödel-Meiser)
Opening times7:30 AM - 1:30 PM o'clock
Closing days26 Schließtage
1 Woche an Ostern, 2 Wochen an Pfingsten, 2 Wochen im Sommer
Denomination non-denominational
Specially educational concept inclusion, nature education, Wood-Pedagogy
Extras Farmstead Kindergarten, Integrative facility, Pets
Pets 2 Esel, 2 Alpakas, 5 Schafe, 8 Kaninchen, 9 Meerschweinchen, 3 Hühner


Aufwind Nature Kindergarten Between vegetable garden, stream, meadow, forest, chickens, guinea pigs, turtles, rabbits, sheep, alpacas, and donkeys the children dig, climb, run, explore, feed, plant and admire everything close. In today´s world, that is coined by a permanent overstimulation, the nature kindergarten enables clear and memorable sensual experiences and special, intensive moments. In consideration of the orientation plan all our actions aim to, encourage the children in their development in a positive way. In doing so it is very important for us, that the children learn the requirements for listening and understanding, just as appropriate social behavior. Furthermore, we want to give the children courage and self-confidence, with which they can master the challenges of life. Thereby they are accompanied by pedagogic qualified personnel with special additional qualifications.
Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 27/03/2025 10:16:02)