How many requests per child are possible?
A maximum of 3 requests at the same time. If you get a rejection, you can log on again. Requirement is, that you live in Ostrach or that you have movingplans to Ostrach. With your request, you report a need for support. This is not yet a confirmation of a care place.
A maximum of 3 requests at the same time. If you get a rejection, you can log on again. Requirement is, that you live in Ostrach or that you have movingplans to Ostrach. With your request, you report a need for support. This is not yet a confirmation of a care place.
You do not meet the repuirements?
Please register your need directly at
Please register your need directly at
When can a request be made?
No earlier than 36 months, at least 6 months before start of care.
No earlier than 36 months, at least 6 months before start of care.
When will the request be assigned?
For a Krippen place as soon as possible. For a Kindergarten place in March for the upcoming Kindergarten year.
For a Krippen place as soon as possible. For a Kindergarten place in March for the upcoming Kindergarten year.