How many enquiries per child are possible?
Maximum of 4 active enquiries at the same time (if you receive rejections, you can log in again)
Maximum of 4 active enquiries at the same time (if you receive rejections, you can log in again)
When can I register my child?
At the earliest 48 months, at least 6 months before the desired start date
At the earliest 48 months, at least 6 months before the desired start date
From when will I receive offers of placements?
At the earliest 6 months before the desired start date
At the earliest 6 months before the desired start date
For whom are childcare places offered?
For children from the age of three months until they start school, who live in Waldshut-Tiengen.
For children from the age of three months until they start school, who live in Waldshut-Tiengen.