How many requests per child are possible?
A maximum of 3 active childcare requests per child are possible at the same time.
A maximum of 3 active childcare requests per child are possible at the same time.
When can I register my child?
A childcare request is possible from the birth of your child.
A childcare request is possible from the birth of your child.
When will I receive a place offer?
In Schwabach, childcare places for the new daycare year will be allocated from February 15. The start of childcare is September 1.
In Schwabach, childcare places for the new daycare year will be allocated from February 15. The start of childcare is September 1.
day care
Day care is a regular, family-oriented, hourly to full-day care of small children by a day carer in suitable premises.
Day care is a regular, family-oriented, hourly to full-day care of small children by a day carer in suitable premises.