LITTLE BIRD in Frickenhausen
Welcome to the parents' portal of the community of Frickenhausen with its districts of Linsenhofen and Tischardt.
Here you can find out more about the care we offer and our four facilities in Frickenhausen.
How many requests are possible?
A maximum of two active requests can be made at the same time.
When does registration have to be submitted?
By January 31st, registration for the following kindergarten year (starting September 1st) must be submitted for children both over and under three years of age. An additional deadline for children under three years of age is June 30th.
When can I register my child?
Registration is only possible from the birth of your child.

Look for child care

All entries marked with an * are mandatory. By entering a postal code, you can narrow down your results further or determine them more precisely.