Little Bird in the municipality of Fürstenau
Here you can register your child with the larger day care centres like crèche, kindergarten or day care. If you`re interested in care by a childminder, please kindly contact the Family Service Office under 05901/9320-38. Please note that the kindergarten year lasts from August (like the school year) until 31.07 of the following year. Your registration for all kinds of child care services should be received by 31.10. for the upcoming year. The joint municipality includes Fürstenau (Schwagstorf), Bippen and Berge. You may also use the radius search to find a suitable childcare place for you.
Here you can register your child with the larger day care centres like crèche, kindergarten or day care. If you`re interested in care by a childminder, please kindly contact the Family Service Office under 05901/9320-38. Please note that the kindergarten year lasts from August (like the school year) until 31.07 of the following year. Your registration for all kinds of child care services should be received by 31.10. for the upcoming year. The joint municipality includes Fürstenau (Schwagstorf), Bippen and Berge. You may also use the radius search to find a suitable childcare place for you.
How many requests for child care facilities per child are possible?
You can make a maximum of 3 requests at the same time. Your prefered facility should have priority No 1.
You can make a maximum of 3 requests at the same time. Your prefered facility should have priority No 1.
Important Notice
If it is not possible to enter your address, e.g. if your house number is not available, please use the "more information" field in step 4 to enter your correct address. It will be added by the administration at a later date.
If it is not possible to enter your address, e.g. if your house number is not available, please use the "more information" field in step 4 to enter your correct address. It will be added by the administration at a later date.