Article of Jun 2, 2016

Schwäbisch Gmünd and Künzelsau

Donations for flood victims in Schwäbisch Gmünd and Künzelsau

A lot of families have lost their houses and homes by the flooding disaster in parts of Baden-Württemberg and Bavaria.

Some of the LITTLE BIRD municipalities are affected too:

In Künzelsau day care centers have been closed, also like schools.
In Schorndorf and Schwäbisch Gmünd three people died in the big storm.

The damage to roads, buildings and infrastructure is estimated in Schwabisch Gmund on up to five million euros.

Donation account for Schwäbisch Gmünd:                                         

Volksbank Schwäbisch Gmünd
Kontoinhaber: Stadt Schwäbisch Gmünd
IBAN: DE57 6139 0140 0105 2000 00

Donation accounts for Künzelsau:

"Unwetter Künzelsau"

Sparkasse Hohenlohekreis
Kontoinhaber: Stadt Künzelsau
IBAN: DE02 6225 1550 0005 0018 08


Volksbank Hohenlohe eG Künzelsau
Kontoinhaber: Stadt Künzelsau
IBAN: DE74 6209 1800 0000 4660 00



Article of May 1, 2016

LITTLE BIRD keeps on flying

LITTLE BIRD is online in Hilden und Düren

You are searching for a childcare place in Ahaus or Borken? The parent portal from LITTLE BIRD makes it easier - try it now!

Good luck!

Article of Apr 28, 2016



Girls Day at LITTLE BIRD

On the occasion of the nationwide future day for girls companies and organisations once a year invite female pupils to get to know typical male professions. Sabeth attends the seventh class of a Berlin secondary school and visited LITTLE BIRD today. She was given an excellent tour by Bianca and Jennifer, both female software developers at LITTLE BIRD.

What did you do?

Sabeth: We created coloured buttons and a PIN for a website.

Jennifer: Therefore we applied CSS for the design, HTML for the content and Java Script for the functionality.

Do you think that programming is a typical male profession?

Sabeth: Not at all. That profession should be chosen by women as well.

How do you like the work of a programmer?

Bianca: Great! It’s very easy to find a job and it offers so many possibilities. As a female software developer you are used to working in a male-dominated environment and sometimes have to prove that you are just as good as your male colleagues.

Jennifer: It’s an amazing job – if you’re good at maths and logical, structured thinking. I enjoy working in a team with so many male colleagues.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      



Findest du, dass Programmieren ein typischer Männerberuf sein muss?

Sabeth: Nein, gar nicht. Das könnten und sollten genauso auch Frauen machen.

Wie ist es, als Programmiererin zu arbeiten?

Bianca: Ganz toll! Man findet super leicht einen Job und hat viele Möglichkeiten. Da man hauptsächlich in Teams mit vielen Männern arbeitet, muss man auch ab und zu ein bisschen überzeugen, dass man das als Frau genauso gut kann.

Jennifer: Ein super Job – wenn man Mathe mag und gerne logisch und strukturiert denkt. Und ich selber mag es sogar sehr gerne, in einem Team zu arbeiten, in dem mehr Männer sind.

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