How many requests per child are possible?
A maximum of 5 active requests per child and start of care are possible at the same time.
A maximum of 5 active requests per child and start of care are possible at the same time.
When can I register my child?
A care request is usually possible from the birth of your child, at the earliest 18 months and at least 3 months before the desired start of care.
A care request is usually possible from the birth of your child, at the earliest 18 months and at least 3 months before the desired start of care.
When will I receive an offer of a place?
Childcare places for the care year 2025/2026 will be allocated from February 10, 2025 and in the following weeks. The care year begins on September 1st.
Childcare places for the care year 2025/2026 will be allocated from February 10, 2025 and in the following weeks. The care year begins on September 1st.
Child day care
Child day care offers high-quality child care in a family setting by a day care person (Tagemutter oder Tagesvater). Find out about a child day care in the LITTLE-BIRD-System an send your requests for a place to: fmf FamilienBüro gGmbH Bahnhofstraße 1 90547 Stein // Tel.: 0911-255 229 0 // E-Mail:
Child day care offers high-quality child care in a family setting by a day care person (Tagemutter oder Tagesvater). Find out about a child day care in the LITTLE-BIRD-System an send your requests for a place to: fmf FamilienBüro gGmbH Bahnhofstraße 1 90547 Stein // Tel.: 0911-255 229 0 // E-Mail: