Waldorfkindergarten Troisdorf

Waldorfkindergarten Troisdorf
Egerländer Str. 2
53840 Troisdorf
Funding authority
Waldorfkindergarten Troisdorf e.V.
Egerländer Str. 2
53840 Troisdorf
0224175940 (Frau Osterczyk)
022419735663 (Frau Osterczyk)
Opening times7:15 AM - 4:30 PM o'clock
Closing daysDer Waldorfkindergarten hat zwischen Weihnachten und Neujahr sowie 2 Wochen in den Sommerferien geschlossen
Foreign languages German
Denomination christian
Specially educational concept Waldorf education
Therapeutic support early advancement
Extras Barrier-free, Integrative facility, care with lunch, full day care, parents association
Pets Hasen

Description and Stations

By bus 506 , 501 and 503:
506 stop: Stettinerstraße and 5 minutes walk.
501 & 503 stop: Altenforst and 15 minutes walk.

By car: (limited) parking areas in front of our house, further marked areas in the Egerländerstraße and Marienburgstraße.

Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 09/05/2024 02:30:27)


Individuality for every person in our house.
Live, learn, experience
and find ways in encounters with each other.


Our two mirror-converted designed, L-shaped group rooms both consist of a kitchenette, a bedroom, a smaller secondary room, a store room and a bathroom. The baby change inside the bathroom is out of view for the other children and offers a shower tub and movable stairs.

The front sides of our large U-shaped corridor are used as a cloak room with benches and shelves. We also offer a small hall, where Eurythmy takes place once a week and which the children may use at wish as extra play room.



Outdoor Facilities

We offer a wide lawn as playground for the children, separated by a wooden fence from the backside which is used as garden for vegetables, spices and flowers. On the rear right side there is a rabbit hutch with a spacious compound, safely separated from the playground.

Daily Schedule

We follow a continiuous daily routine, switching between inhaling and exhaling (i.e. a free play time or a guided situation): free play time, breakfast, free play time,  rhythmical guided round dance with songs, poems and movement, free play time outside, time for a tale or puppet show, lunch and sleep afterwards, free play time and afternoon snack.

The process of playing - inside or outside - is an essential part of our day. It doesn't need to fulfill any sense or meaning, but is the expression of the childrens creativity, imagination and the way they perceive the world.


We offer vegetarian organic food.

Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 09/05/2024 02:30:27)


Das Kindergartenkind ist stark in der Nachahmung und Beobachtung. Es benötigt Gewohnheiten, d.h. regelmäßige Abläufe, die Orientierung vermitteln und Vertrauen schaffen. Es entwickelt sein Ich-Bewusstsein und vermag sich noch nicht abzugrenzen. Es sucht die Nähe zum Erzieher und möchte gerne in die Tätigkeiten mit eingebunden werden oder erhält durch das sinnvolle Tun des Erziehers den Freiraum selbstständig tätig zu werden.


Six professionals work here at the moment:
• four state-approved Waldorfkindergarten teachers
• two of them with Waldorf Nursery qualification
• one state-approved kindergarten teacher with Waldorf Nursery qualification
• one state-approved curative educating nurse with Waldorf Nursery qualification

Additional Offerings

- Parents-and-child-group

Quality Assurance

Aus dem waldorfpädagogischen Verständnis heraus hat das Kind einen geistigen Wesenskern. Wir nehmen das Kind als Individualität wahr und an.
Es erzieht sich selbst an seiner Umgebung, im Umgang mit anderen Menschen und den Dingen gemäß seiner eigenen Lebensfreude, Neugier und Entdeckerqualitäten entsprechend seiner eigenen Entwicklungsschritte. Es darf Eigenes gestaltet werden, wodurch das Kind ein Gefühl für seine Selbstwirksamkeit bekommt. Dies ist die Voraussetzung für seine gesunde Entwicklung und die Inklusion.
Das Kind baut und entwickelt „sein leibliches Haus“. Es gestaltet den vererbten Körper individuell zur Grundlage der Gesundheitskräfte für sein ganzes Leben.
Im gemeinsamen Leben des Alltages erfährt das Kind Naturerlebnisse, künstlerische und hauswirtschaftliche Tätigkeiten. Dadurch erlebt es Halt und Orientierung durch Rituale, Regeln und den immer wiederkehrenden Rhythmus von Tag, Woche, Monat und Jahr.
Das Kind lernt im Kindergarten durch das Nachahmen, ohne belehrt zu werden, seinen Umgang mit anderen Menschen. Seine Lebensfreude und Hingabe sind die Grundlage für diesen Lernprozess.
Unsere Verantwortung liegt darin, die Umgebung des Kindes so zu gestalten, dass sich dem Kind gute Entwicklungsmöglichkeiten bieten. Unsere Aufgabe ist es, im Umgang mit den Kindern individuelle Hindernisse zu beseitigen oder zu meistern, so dass alle daran lernen und sich entwickeln können.


Waldorfkindergarten Hennef Dahlhausen
Waldorfvereinigung Dortmund
Jugendamt Troisdorf

Teamwork with school

Waldorf School Sankt Augustin
Waldschule Troisdorf

Teamwork with parents

Our Waldorfkindergarten is not only a place to feel like home for the children, but also for their parents with their individual situations, questions and challenges concerning family, society and being parents.
Parents' evenings or presentations take place several times during the year, focused on questions about growing up, education and health. Every family can invite us home and consolidate the connection between home and the kindergarten. There will also be many times throughout the kindergarten years when parents and teachers meet to focus on the children's development, depending on their age at least once a year.

The parents are invited to celebrate most of the yearly feasts together with their children and teachers in the kindergarten. Taking part bonds families and the kindergarten together and support some of our values which we focus and rely on.


- Parents-and-child-group
- Four rabbits
- rural surroundings next to the Wahner Heide and forest area.

Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 09/05/2024 02:30:27)


On monthly basis:
- Bazaar group: Thursdays at 8 pm
- Council of management: Thursdays at 7:30 pm
- Council of the kindergarten: Thursdays at 3 pm

Four times a year on Saturdays it's house-and-garden-time, when parents  and teachers work, clean and fix things inside and outside the house together.


Holiday Care

The kindergarten opens throughout school holidays except for three weeks in summer and one week between Christmas and New Year.

Parental Interviews

Requirements concerning opening hours and communication.

Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 09/05/2024 02:30:27)

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