
Moosstr. 21
88069 Tettnang
Funding authority
Stadt Tettnang
Montfortplatz 7
88069 Tettnang
0754255640 (Frau Deniz Karaca)
Opening times7:00 AM - 2:30 PM o'clock
Closing daysÖffnungszeit am Freitag: 7:00 - 13:00 Uhr

32 Schließtage pro Jahr
(bitte in der Einrichtung erfragen)
Extras care with lunch

Current information


Opening hours day care center

VÖ30: 7.00-13.00 (Mo. - Fr.)

VÖ34: 7.00-14.00 (Mo. - Thu.)
           or 7.30-14.30 (Mo. - Thu.)
           7.00-13.00 (Fr.)


GT 46: 7.00- 17.00 (Mon. - Thu.)
            7.00-13.00 (Fr.)
cannot currently be offered

Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 13/12/2023 09:56:18)

Offered care types at May 8, 2024:

Kind of carecount places
66 Places

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