Kita Kinzigwichtel

Für Kinder vom vollendeten 3. Lebensjahr bis zum Ende der Grundschulzeit.

Kita Kinzigwichtel
Erfurter Straße 11
63517 Rodenbach
Funding authority
Gemeinde Rodenbach
Buchbergstraße 2
63517 Rodenbach
06184 9936434 (Kerstin Betz)
Opening times7:00 AM - 3:30 PM o'clock
Extras care with lunch

Current information


Mission statement of the facility

Children have their own personality!
It is important to accept every child for who they are. This image of the child creates a partnership in our facility. Relationship work is the basis of a valuable partnership in order to be able to develop healthy and stress-free in your environment.

Every child, every employee and also parents are allowed to bring and integrate their personal strengths and abilities.

We attach great importance to the free game.
In free play, the child expresses himself as he wants, according to his interests and needs. That is why it is the task of the team to provide attractive and appealing impulses in order to support the children as teachers and learners.

“Help me to do it myself” (Maria Montessori) - this is an important quote for our pedagogy.

Conceptually, we are to be defined according to the "situation-oriented approach".
We have an open room concept with 4 rooms that integrate 7 learning areas - building and designing, role play, table and board games, relaxation, creative room, bistro and gym. We work according to the educational areas of the Hessian education and training plan. In order to live this in the best possible way in our educational work, free play and projects are an integral part of our day-to-day daycare.

Solidarity, autonomy and participation are an important part of our cooperation with children, parents, but also the sponsor.
The current concept is currently being developed by the facility's team and will be published as soon as it is completed.
Should you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us by phone.


We have an open room concept with four rooms that integrate seven learning areas:

  • Building and constructing
  • Role playing game
  • Table and board games
  • Relaxation
  • Creative space
  • Bistro
  • Gym
Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 23/08/2023 07:11:26)

Offered care types at May 8, 2024:

Kind of carecount places
30 Places

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