Kath. Familienzentrum St. Kilian Lichtenau

von 4 Monaten bis zur Einschulung

Kath. Familienzentrum St. Kilian Lichtenau
Am Kindergarten 4
33165 Lichtenau
Funding authority
Kath. Kindertageseinrichtungen Hochstift gem. GmbH
Leostraße 21
33098 Paderborn
05295 555 (Herr Franz Smuga)
05295 555 (Herr Sebastian Gockel)
Opening times7:00 AM - 4:30 PM o'clock
Closing daysmax. 15 im Jahr
Foreign languages English
Denomination roman catholic
Specially educational concept daily routine language education, Situation approach, Situation orientated approach
Extras Integrative facility, Parents center, care with lunch, full day care
Pets nein

Current information


The Kath. KiTa St. Kilian is run by the Katholische Kindertageseinrichtungen Hochstift gem. GmbH. The facility offers places for children aged four months to 6 years on three floors.
The starting point of the pedagogical work is the free play of the children. This results in situation-oriented projects and activities. The pedagogical work at the KiTa St. Kilian is based on the Christian image of man, which assumes the uniqueness of every human being and his or her inviolable dignity.

Our opening hours are daily from 7:00 to 16:30.

We offer five different booking options:

25 hours: 7:00 a.m. to 12:15 p.m.

35 hours: 7:00 to 12:15 and 14:00 to 16:30

35 Block: 7:00 am to 2:15 pm

35 Flex: 2x a week 7:00 to 16:30 and 3x a week 7:00 to 12:15

45 Hours: 7:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.


The St. Kilian day care centre has five groups. The red, blue and green groups are located in the basement. In the red and green group, children aged 2 - 6 years are looked after. The youngest children are in the blue group. There, 10 children aged 0 - 3 years can be cared for.

On the middle floor is the orange group with an age range of 2 - 6 years. On the upper floor is the yellow group, where children aged 3 - 6 years are cared for.

Each group has a group room, an adjoining group room and a washroom. The orange, red and blue groups also have a nappy-changing room.

In the basement there are three bedrooms and a large movement room. In the spacious hallway area, the children can play, move around and drive vehicles. Furthermore, there is a utility kitchen here where home economics activities are also carried out with the children.

On the middle floor there is also a kitchen where the groups have the opportunity to cook and bake.

On the upper floor there is a multi-purpose room where events of the family centre take place, but which is also used by the groups for small group activities.



Outdoor Facilities

The centre has a beautiful, large outdoor area. Since the day care centre is located on a hill, the outdoor area is sloping. It also has an old tree population.

The groups in the basement have direct access to the outside. Here there is a paved area where the children can drive their vehicles. Furthermore, the children have access to a large sand area, swings, two slides and various climbing and balancing opportunities.



Meals are always a cultural and social event with rituals. A special ritual in the U3 area is the common breakfast. In the regular group, the children have breakfast in the morning from 7:00 to 10:00 am. The children bring this breakfast from home. The KiTa offers the children drinks in the form of tea or water. 

The pedagogical staff takes into account the child's preferences, dislikes, food allergies and culturally and religiously determined eating habits.

The children who are in the centre over midday eat lunch together in their groups for a fee. The food is delivered by an external food provider. The meal time for children under 3 is individually adapted to the age group and starts a little earlier. Parents are informed about the meal offer via a menu plan.

In the afternoon, there is another snack for the children, consisting of fruit and vegetables, which is paid for by the nursery's support association.

Furthermore, a joint breakfast is held once a month. On this day, all the children in a group have breakfast at the same time at a large table. The aim is to support the children individually in their own independence during meals. For example, special attention is paid to the children's ability to set and clear the table on their own.

Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 14/09/2023 10:08:34)


The pedagogical work, as well as all actions in the Katholische Kindertageseinrichtungen Hochstift gem. GmbH, is based on the Christian image of man and thus on the unconditional and unique dignity of every human being. The rights of children, especially their right to holistic education and upbringing and their right to participation, are based on the dignity of the person. The aim of pedagogical action is to enable children to participate in social, political, economic, cultural and religious life in an increasingly independent and responsible manner as free and responsible persons.

Education is primarily understood as the child's own activity. The child forms itself by shaping its relationship to itself, to its fellow human beings, to the world and to God. In doing so, the child needs pedagogical guidance that shapes the framework for the child's self-education process. This includes, in particular, unconditional forms of co-determination, co-creation and participation:

  • Children become aware of their own interests, wishes and needs because they are asked about them.
  • Children learn that their feelings and opinions are important because they are respected and taken into account.
  • Children experience that their opinions are taken seriously, as they can influence processes in the group and in their environment.
  • Children experience that they are an important part of the community, as they are accepted with their strengths and weaknesses.
  • Children experience: "It depends on me!", as they can take responsibility for themselves, for others and for a cause.
  • Children learn that their decision-making possibilities are limited by objective conditions.

Pedagogical action stimulates instead of ordering, it motivates instead of regulating, it encourages instead of criticising and it supports instead of limiting.

The central way for children to acquire the world is through play. This understanding opens up educational and developmental opportunities for the children. This also includes opening up different approaches to their environment with them.

Education is shaped by each child in its own way, at its own pace, according to its own interests. In this process, the acquisition of knowledge and content are on an equal footing with the acquisition of experiences, thought patterns, attitudes and orientations. The acquisition of self-, social, factual and methodological competences has both cognitive and action-practical components. Knowledge and skills are on the same level.

The facilities offered are based on an inclusive understanding. It takes into account the individual constitutions of the children as well as the diverse characteristics of their living environments and their different world views and religiosities. All children and their families, with their different social, cultural and religious backgrounds, are accepted as an enrichment in the life of the facility community.

Additional Offerings

Religiöse Bildung

Religiöse Bildung geschieht nicht nur, wenn ausdrücklich von Gott die Rede ist. Es ist der vertrauensvolle Umgang miteinander, sowie der Einrichtungsalltag mit all seinen Höhen und Tiefen, der grundlegend ist. Durch Gebete, religiöse Lieder oder biblische Geschichten werden den Kindern Elemente der religiösen Bildung nähergebracht. Die pädagogischen Fachkräfte erarbeiten mit den Kindern u.a. die Bedeutung der kirchlichen Feste wie Ostern und Weihnachten, die Fasten- und Adventszeit, Namenstage von Heiligen, sowie Erntedank oder andere Feiertage.

Quality Assurance

Special features
With the practical and recognised quality management system IQUE (Integrated Quality and Human Resources Development), the sponsor of the Kath. Kindertageseinrichtungen Hochstift gGmbH has for many years made it its task to systematically and continuously ensure the quality of the educational processes in the day-to-day running of the facility. The management and the team are regularly trained. Quality agreements are jointly agreed upon and evaluated. Through the professional implementation, transparent work and checking of the quality agreements vis-à-vis the responsible body, it is a reliable quality framework that is put into practice.

The following guiding principles are worked on by the team: 

1st guiding principle: Basic attitude, understanding of education, personal competencies

2nd guiding principle: Inclusive attitude

3rd guiding principle: Sustainability

4th guiding principle: Shaping transitions

5th guiding principle: Social interaction - participation

Guiding Principle: Expressing and Communicating

7th guiding principle: Holistic educational processes - play and spaces

Guiding principle 8: Relational care - Physical self-determination

Guiding principle 9: Rest - Eat - Sleep

10. guiding principle: Observing and documenting

11. guiding principle: Discovering the world - living faith (LS of the catholic KiTen)


Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 14/09/2023 10:08:34)



Bei der Entscheidung, ob wir ein Kind in unsere Tagesstätte aufnehmen oder nicht, berücksichtigen wir folgende Kriterien:

  • Wie alt ist das Kind?  
  • Lebt das Kind in dem Einzugsgebiet der Kita?
  • Hat das Kind Geschwister, die bereits unsere Einrichtung besuchen?
  • Liegt eine persönliche Notlage in der Familie vor?  

Diese Kriterien dienen lediglich als Orientierung, ob wir ein Kind aufnehmen oder nicht. Es besteht kein Anspruch auf einen Platz in unserer Tagesstätte, wenn eines oder mehrere Kriterien erfüllt sind.

Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 14/09/2023 10:08:34)

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