Kinderhaus Abenteuerland

1 Jahr- Schuleintritt

Kinderhaus Abenteuerland
Geschwister-Scholl-Straße 22
70736 Fellbach
Funding authority
AWO Rems-Murr gGmbH
Aspacher Str. 32
71522 Backnang
017657930371 (Frau Simon)
Opening times7:00 AM - 5:00 PM o'clock
Closing days20 Tage
Extras Barrier-free, Pets, care with lunch, full day care
Pets Besuchshund- tiergestützte Angebote

Current information




On our website you can see the Children´s House Abenteuerland.

Outdoor Facilities

The Children’s House Abenteuerland has a large garden and offers many possibilities to play and climb. The children have a lot of space to play around, to gather various experiences and explore the world.



Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 27/07/2023 15:56:31)

Offered care types at May 8, 2024:

Kind of carecount places
 Betreuung unter 3
20 Places
 Betreuung über 3
70 Places


The basics of our educational work are recorded in our conception.
You can find it attached:


The team at Kinderhaus Abenteuerland consists of a multi-professional mix of employees. Of course children have top priority in everyday life. But friendly, courteous interaction with one another, collegial help and exchange as well as having fun at work play a major role here in the Children´s House as well. The training and further education of new colleagues is also very important.

On the following page you can get an idea of the specialists form the Kinderhaus Abenteuerland

Quality Assurance

We work according to an international quality management system (DIN EN ISO 9001:2015). We received our initial certification for this in 2018. On the basis of regular internal and external audits, the standards in the areas of education, hygiene and management are checked.

Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 27/07/2023 15:56:31)

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