Integratives Kinderhaus "Kunterbunt" Ezelsdorf

0,5 Jahre bis zur Einschulung

Integratives Kinderhaus "Kunterbunt" Ezelsdorf
Schulstraße 13
90559 Burgthann
Funding authority
Rummelsberger Dienste für junge Menschen gemeinnützige GmbH
Rummelsberg 20a
90591 Schwarzenbruck
091883052525 (Maria Bäumer)
Opening times7:00 AM - 5:00 PM o'clock
Closing days3 Wochen im August
2 Wochen über Weihnachten/Neujahr
2 Klausurtage
1 Betriebsausflug
1-2 Fachtage
Denomination evangelic
Specially educational concept daily routine language education, inclusion, livebased approach, Situation orientated approach
Extras Barrier-free, Integrative facility, care with lunch, for children with special educational needs, full day care


The Integrative Kinderhaus KUNTERBUNT is located at Schulstraße 13 in Burgthann-Ezelsdorf and is run by Rummelsberger Dienste für junge Menschen gGmbH. In our house in Ezelsdorf we care for children from the age of 0.5 years until school enrollment. Out of a total of 58 places (28 places in the crèche area and 30 places in the kindergarten area), we have the possibility to care for a total of 15 integrative children (children with increased support needs).

Where is the best place for my child? This is a question many working parents ask themselves when they return to work after maternity leave. The transition from family to daycare is not always easy and is very emotional for many parents. The task of the staff in our daycare center is to perceive and accompany the child in its development. Through intensive cooperation with the parents and an individual settling-in phase, the child is picked up from where it stands. Thus, an optimal start in a day care center can be made possible.

Children under the age of three attend our daycare center. There the children find security, but also space to discover their environment. The pedagogical specialists and assistants accompany the children in discovering and developing their abilities.

In our kindergarten, children from the age of three play and learn until they start school. Our pedagogical work is characterized by a holistic, lifeworld-oriented and diaconal approach. It is important to us to get to know and view children as complete personalities with their possibilities and weaknesses and in their life situations. Promotion and support of the children is based on their individual stage of development. We make children strong. They are allowed to have a say in decisions. In our kindergarten they prepare for school.



The Integrative Kinderhaus KUNTERBUNT has 4 group areas (crèche group, toddler group and two kindergarten groups), each with a group room and a checkroom. We have two sanitary areas (one for the crèche and toddler group and one for the two kindergarten groups). Between the group rooms are two adjoining group rooms, which are used for small group work or as function rooms. Furthermore, the facility has a multi-purpose room, which is used as an exercise room in the day-to-day life of the daycare center. Events such as parents' evenings etc. also take place here. For the nursery children and the children from the toddler group, we also have a quiet room where the children can take their afternoon nap. Right next to the kindergarten groups, a large kitchen with a "bistro" invites you to eat together.



Outdoor Facilities

The facility has a spacious outdoor area with lawn, which allows the children a variety of opportunities for exercise and play in the fresh air.

In addition to a slide tower with 2 slides and climbing facilities (for the older and younger children), the children have the opportunity to play in the sandbox or have fun on the nest swings (a large one for the kindergarten children and a small one for the daycare area). Furthermore, there is a balancing beam and a wooden house as a retreat. A Bobby-Car course invites to wild rides with Bobbycars and outdoor vehicles.

The outdoor area has a wooden terrace that can be used for various activities in the summer and is accessible from every group room. 



Daily Schedule


The daily routine in the U3 area

7.00 a.m. to 9.00 a.m.                            Bring time and free play - arrival of the children

approx. 9.00 a.m.                                    Morning circle

approx. 9.15 a.m.                                    Breakfast

approx. 9.45 a.m. to 11.15 a.m.               Playtime (free play, activities, garden) 

approx. 11.15 a.m.                                   Lunch

approx. 11.45 a.m. to approx. 2.00 p.m.  The bedtime children go to the quiet rooms and the waking children are looked                                                                         after in a group room (quiet play, reading a book, etc.). 

From 13.00 hrs,                                        children can be picked up at any time, depending on their booking time.   

approx. 2:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.                   free play time (play in the groups, play in the garden, activities, afternoon snack on Fridays until 4:00 p.m.                              etc.).


The daily routine in the kindergarten area    

7:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m.                               Bring time and free play - arrival of the children

approx. 9.00 a.m.                                      Morning circle

approx. 9.15/9.30 a.m.                              breakfast

approx. 10.00 a.m. to 12.00 p.m.              Playtime (free play, activities, garden) 

approx. 12.00 noon                                   lunch

approx. 12.30 p.m. to approx. 1.15 p.m.   quiet play, reading a book, etc.

From 13.00 hrs,                                         children can be picked up at any time - depending on the booking time of the                                                                           children.   

approx. 1.15 p.m. - 5.00 p.m.                     free play time (play in the groups, play in the garden, activities, afternoon snack on Fridays until 4.00 p.m.                           etc.)





In both the daycare and kindergarten areas, parents bring their own breakfast and afternoon snack for their child to the facility from Monday to Wednesday and on Friday. Healthy nutrition is important to us. Therefore, we ask all parents to bring a balanced breakfast for their children. Thursday is our "cereal" day. On this day, all children have cereal and cornflakes (sugar-free) with milk in any form (also for allergy sufferers) or natural yogurt and fruit for breakfast.  The ingredients for this are brought by the parents in rotation. 

Lunch is provided by the company Pacelli - Catering for kids from Winkelhaid. This can be ordered by parents on a daily or daily basis. If you decide against a warm lunch, please bring a lunch box or a thermo container with warm food for your child. For organizational reasons, there is no possibility to heat up the food. Only in the nursery do we warm up "jars" in a water bath up to an age of approx. 1.5 years.

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Offered care types at May 9, 2024:

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