Montessori Kinderhaus Die Kleinen Strolche e.V.

0-3 und 3-6 jährige Kinder nehmen wir in unserer Einrichtung auf

Montessori Kinderhaus Die Kleinen Strolche e.V.
Wittenkamp 9
48683 Ahaus
Funding authority
Montessori in Ahaus e.V.
Witten Kamp 9
48683 Ahaus
02561/3495 (Alexandra Tendyck)
Opening times7:00 AM - 4:30 PM o'clock
Closing daysIn den Sommerferien ist unsere Einrichtung 3 Wochen geschlossen. In Kooperation mit den "Peanuts" wird während der Ferien eine Notbetreuung angeboten. Zwischen Weihnachten und Neujahr ist die Einrichtung drei Tage geschlossen.
Foreign languages English, Dutch
Specially educational concept Montessori education
Extras Barrier-free, Integrative facility, care with lunch, flexible care, full day care, parents association

Description and Stations

Our facility is located on the Witten Kamp . 9 Description from Ahauser station From Bahnhofstrasse , turn right onto the street parallel . Turn left , in the Witten Kamp . On the right side there is the Montessori Kinderhaus " The Little Rascals " eV,+48683+Ahaus/@52.0681918,7.0139649,17z/data=!4m2!3m1!1s0x47b8417fdaafcd09:0xc3c65cc0f80b9dbb


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The Montessori Children's House " Die kleinen Strolche" e.V. is an initiative of parents. We have two groups with a total of 35 children . The " Krabbelkäfergruppe" , a group of 10 children aged 0-3 years and the " Dinogruppe" , a group with 25 children aged 3-6 years . Both groups work integrative. In 2010, we have begun to expand the concept of our institution according to pedagogies of  Maria Montessori  and gradually establish a Montessori Children's House .


In our children's house are both for the "Krabbelkäfer" as well as for the "Dinogruppe" per a group room with a directly adjacent side room. Each group has a separate laundry room. The design of the scope is aligned in both groups, depending on the level of development and interests of  the children.  In addition to the Montessori materials  is also different  employment opportunities available. In the  gym, the kids always have the opportunity to try themselves in various ways: climb, jump, hop, build, romp, run ... alone, with friends or as Guided lowered! The "heart" of our house is our "mud room". Due to the various perception deals with shaving cream, water, sand, cream, color, or different natural materials, the children learn a wide range of sensory delights.

Activity also requires rest periods. In the "cuddling and reading corners" the children have the oppertunity to calm down. In a tranquil atmosphere, the children have to look at the possibility of picture books or listen to stories. Bed- and withdrawal options, see the children in our two-bedroom apartments. In one of the rooms also a "Snoezelecke" is integrated, which invites you to relax and dream.

Every day, the children get a fresh meal, which is cooked by our two cooks.

Outdoor Facilities

Our outdoor area includes a playground for the U3 - care and a play area for the children who are over three years old . There is with us a separate trampoline playground which is used for garden projects,too .


Daily Schedule

The day begins in the children's home at 7:30 clock. Then the children have right to start with the possibility of free work, to do gymnastics at the gym, play outdoors or to have breakfast together with other children. The children prepare together with the teachers to the open breakfast, where they then have the opportunity to have breakfast until about 10:00 clock. Around 9:00 clock found in the Dino group held a morning circle, in which the children greet each other, to tell experiences, sing together or make circle games. When the beetles crawling the morning circle takes place at 10:00 clock. After that all children have again the possibility to choose freely their activities. Further facilities include various projects and activities to choose from, such as the weekly Turn offer, the little researcher who open Forest Day once a week, etc. The About Mittagskinder the Krabbelkäfer eat together at 11:30 clock, which Mittagskinder the Dino group eating divided into two groups at 12:30 clock. The children who do not stay for dinner, can to 12:30 clock visit the children's home and come back depending on the hour entry at 14:00 clock. After lunch, the children go to the About midday rest. The children have the opportunity to take a nap or rest at a story. In the afternoon the area is free to choose between the activities the children. At 16:30 clock the device then closes its doors.


Breakfast from 7.30 clock until 10:00 clock :

The children bring with no breakfast from home . We go and do the shopping for the breakfast with the children together. An adult prepares the breakfast together with the children: stock up table , fruit peel / vegetables , mix apple juice , cut bread , scrambled eggs , etc. Preparing In the course of the morning, every child has the opportunity to choose when it wants to eat and with who. If the child has finished his breakfast , it directs his breakfast place again.

Lunch 11.30 clock / 12.30 clock : Even at lunch the children have the possibility to age corresponding to the two cooks. The food is freshly prepared in our facility . Lunch, includes a main dish and dessert.

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Nora Fischer

  • Sozialpädagogin mit Montessori-Diplom


Janina Feldhaus

  • Erzieherin mit Montessori-Diplom, Gruppenleitung

Petra Niestegge

  • Erzieherin

Bettina Pech

  • Dipl. Pädagogin

Nora Fischer

  • Sozialpädagogin mit Montessori-Diplom


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Alexandra Tendyck

  • Erzieherin mit Montessori-Diplom, Gruppenleitung, stellv. Leitung

Yvonne Oteman

  • Kinderpflegerin

Ursula Schlamann

  • Sozialpädagogin mit Montessori-Diplom

Ruth Baumann

  • Heilerziehungspflegerin mit Montessori-Diplom, Inklusion


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Additional Offerings

In addition to the usual group everyday different offers are held . For the children who need appropriate funding , motopädisches gymnastics and occupational therapy is offered . Find Once a week turn offers in the large gym and an open forest day in addition to our facility instead . We offer the device , depending on the interests of children to various projects . For a morning and afternoon including garden projects , the Marburger concentration training , forest and nature projects , young researchers , fairytale projects , sensory experiences in the mud room and moving experiences in the children's home own gym offered .



- Physiotherapiepraxis "Physio Vital"
- Ergotherapiepraxis Bruns
- Helene-Helming-Schule Ahaus
- Aabachschule
- Kindertageseinrichtung "Peanuts"

Teamwork with parents

The partnership with parents is very important in setting up with us. Since we are a parents' initiative, is parenting the official employer. Elterninitiative primarily means that parents are more than in other kindergartens usually involved in the daily affairs of the children's home. The cooperation is very important for us. We want parents who get involved within their means in the daily life of the children's home and create together with the team a positive atmosphere in which parents, teachers and especially the children feel comfortable. Each family is committed per Kinderhaus year 12 hours on so-called parents to afford services. These services parents can be quite different: to make driving services and / or accompaniment on outings, design their own actions with the children, internships, assistance with summer cleaning, shopping with the kids ... There is a friendly open and informal atmosphere between the teachers and parents. A close cooperation between all involved in education is a basic requirement in order to support the development of children the best possible way.


We work according to the principles of Maria Montessori. The central point of the Montessori - pedagogy is respect for the child's personality and the attitude of the educator towards the child.  Brings you meet the individual child esteem, patience, understanding, respect, restraint and love. From birth, each child carries a "inner blueprint" in itself, its own development potential. The object of the educator is to allow the child to exploit this potential for development. The natural urge of every child to develop by itself, the teacher takes into account, in that it is the child a companion. They created the environment so interesting that it corresponds to the learning of the child hunger and that the child can usefully work with the existing material.  One of the main tasks of the educator, among other things, the precise observation of every child to know the current needs and interests, and the level of development of the child, support it accordingly and can promote.  She is the contact person and gives assistance, if this is requested by the child. It helps the child, but does not intervene prematurely in his actions, keeping interference to other away from him.  Above all, they respected the desire of the child to want to do everything themselves, offering him the opportunity to become gradually independent of the adults.  For us it is important always to develop and expand our expertise in particular in the field of Montessori education. we use regularly training offers a wide range of institutions. By events, we get new ideas. There is an exchange and develop

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Holiday Care

During the summer vacation takes three weeks an emergency care in collaboration with the " Peanuts " instead .

Parental Interviews

We carry once every year an anonymous parent survey on the satisfaction of the parents . It is possible any change suggestions , praise or criticism to express . But there is always the possibility for parents to turn to the teachers or to use the " mailbox " for praise or criticism , which is the front of the entrance area .

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